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Introducing Beatriz Fabres

In her own words, an intimate look at her life, work, and inspiration.

A photo of Beatriz Fabres of Beatriz Fabres Jewelry

My early childhood was idyllic, it's the safe place my mind travels to when I need to feel inspired, when I need to recapture a sense of freedom and wildness, something I treasure very much in my life.

I’ve somehow always been surrounded by beauty, and my eyes have been constantly wide open. All my life I’ve felt a sort of hunger for and fascination with the multitude of different human emotions and forms of expression.

I left my home in Chile at the age of 18 to study jewelry in Florence, Italy, where I acquired the knowledge and skills of jewelry design and manufacturing. In 2010, I took the leap and started my own brand, Beatriz Fabres Jewelry, out of a small workshop in Barcelona, Spain.

The aesthetic taste of my family has greatly influenced my work; my mother’s classic and sober beauty, my brother’s deep voice, my sister’s authentic expression and romantic views, and my father’s vision and integrity, something I deeply admire, have all instilled in me a need for refinement.

I’ve always been attracted to design, not just by the beauty of the objects but also by the magnetic effect that they could cause. I’ve experimented a lot with my jewelry: I’ve tried different materials; I’ve changed drastically from one style to another with no fear; we all have different sides, and I feed them all.

Working behind my bench is lonely, which I've contrasted many times with a busy social life. My studio is the most precious mental space I have; it’s my private area, and I’ve discovered with time that I could give up many things in life but not my precious privacy. Those four walls where I work are only mine, they have huge value to me, it’s the silence I fight for to contrast my hyperactivity.

I love stories; I have a million stories to tell, as my life has been intense, but I also listen, even though sometimes it doesn’t seem so, I do listen. I remember and hold close to my heart all the life experiences that people have had the generosity and confidence to share with me, and they inspire me to transform emotions into objects.

I love stories; I have a million stories to tell,

I often think about people, our unpredictability, what moves us, what motivates us, and the darkness that can sometimes totally drain us, I see beauty in that as well.

Today my focus is on the energy I give to the person I’m either making a piece for or the person who will wear it in the future, whom I might never meet but somehow visualize.

I’m very proud to launch my new website, where I will be showcasing what I do, my collections, and my bespoke pieces, as well as sharing with you some of my processes and techniques.




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